Beefeater 24 750ml


“Beefeater has had a long, prestigious history of distilling premium, carefully crafted gins in London since being founded by our first master distiller, James Burrough. In creating a gin for the 21st century, I was inspired by aspects of modern London that are simultaneously exhilarating and refined. Beefeater 24 takes a complex blend of 12 botanicals, including grapefruit peel and Japanese and Chinese green teas, and infuses them in spirit for 24 hours. After distillation, I select the perfect cut, resulting in a London dry gin with a fresh flavour profile that is best enjoyed in modern cocktails. I proudly present beefeater 24 – a gin made in London for exciting cities around the world.” – Desmond Payne, Master Distiller

750ml - Bottle

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Beefeater 24 750ml - Authentic Gin, London Cut
Beefeater 24 750ml

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  • Delivery in 20-50 minutes within Nairobi
  • Next-day country-wide delivery (order before 4pm)

Beefeater 24 Price in Kenya

  • 750ml Bottle @ KES 3,159

Additional notes

Alcohol Content




Country of Origin




Almond, Angelica, Coriander, Grapefruit, Grapefruit Peel, Green Tea, Juniper, Lemon, Licorice, Orange, Orris Root, Sencha Tea


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