Bloom Jasmine & Rose Gin 75cl


Bloom Jasmine and Rose is an elegant pink gin uniquely curated using only pure floral botanicals. BLOOM London Dry gin is infused with real rose petals from Morocco and Jasmine flowers from East Asia. On the nose are the clear-cut distinct notes of soft bramble raspberry followed by hints of citrus and juniper. The palate then opens up with very smooth and sophisticated flavors that linger on the palate. Best served over ice, topped up with premium tonic.

750ml - Bottle

Only 2 left in stock

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Bloom Jasmine & Rose Gin 75cl
Bloom Jasmine & Rose Gin 75cl

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  • Delivery in 20-50 minutes within Nairobi
  • Next-day country-wide delivery (order before 4pm)
"This is one of my favorite gins and I have tried many! It’s delicious and fragrant tasting. Very nice and refreshing twist." - Jean, MasterofMalt

Tasting Notes

Aroma (Without Water): Distinctive aromas of jasmine flowers and rose petals, combining to create a beautifully floral and earthy fragrance.

Palate (Without Water): Smooth, sophisticated with a touch of sweetness, complemented by floral notes that add a rich complexity elevating this above other pink gins.

Serving Suggestion: Premium tonic, a sprig of mint, blackberries & lots of ice.

Not only is this gin delicious, it’s also sugar free, gluten free and vegan friendly. With no artificial flavouring, it is smooth and sophisticated in taste, but also rich and complex in finish.



International Spirits Challenge 2021


Flavored – 2019

The Gin Masters (The Spirits Business) 


Gin Flavored – 2013

International Spirits Challenge

Bloom Jasmine & Rose Gin Price in Kenya

  • 750ml Bottle @ KES 4,199

Additional notes

Alcohol Content





Citrus, Herbal, Jasmine, Juniper, Rose, Spice

Bottle Seal

Screw Cap



Country of Origin


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