Greenall’s London Dry Gin 70cl
Greenalls London Dry Gin is a smooth, crisp blend of eight botanicals. The blend balances rich juniper notes with mature citrus and spice. The palate has a silky smooth opening that matures into a rich camphor and citrus taste. Best served in an original gin and tonic with premium tonic water and garnished with two wedges of lime.
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Greenall's London Dry Gin Price in Kenya
- 700ml Bottle @ KES 2,749
Additional notes
Alcohol Content | 40% |
Size | 700ml |
Botanicals | Almond, Angelica, Cassia, Coriander, Juniper, Lemon, Licorice, Orris Root |
Bottle Seal | Screw Cap |
Country of Origin | |
Flavours & Spices | Citrus |
Packaging | Bottle |
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