Kahlúa 700ml


Kahlúa is a coffee-flavored liqueur from Mexico. It contains rum, sugar, vanilla bean, and Arabica coffee. The drink can be enjoyed neat, in cocktails, or used in the baking of desserts.


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Kahlúa 700ml

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Kahlúa is a coffee-flavored liqueur from Mexico. It contains rum, sugar, vanilla bean, and Arabica coffee.
It has an attractive deep brown color. The drink offers enticing scents of bittersweet coffee bean and roasted chestnut and multilayered flavors of black coffee and sweet butter.

Kahlúa is mostly used in cocktails, but can also be enjoyed neat or on ice. It can also be used in baking desserts, and/or as a topping for ice cream, cakes, and cheesecakes.[vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/mecgFK2Le3U” align=”center”]

Kahlúa Price in Kenya

  • 700ml @ KES 2,769

Additional notes

Alcohol Content




Country of Origin


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