Kibao Gin 750ml


Kibao Gin 750ml delivers a smooth, balanced flavour profile infused with select botanicals. With its affordable price and quality, it’s an ideal choice for cocktails or enjoying neat. Order now at Oaks & Corks for quick, reliable delivery anywhere in Nairobi


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Kibao Gin 750ml

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Kibao Gin 750ml is a well-loved Kenyan gin, celebrated for its quality and affordability. Distilled using a fine selection of botanicals, this gin has a balanced, clean flavour that works beautifully in a variety of cocktails or can be enjoyed straight. Kibao Gin’s commitment to quality and flavour has made it a popular choice among gin enthusiasts in Kenya, catering to those seeking both taste and value in a single bottle.

Kibao Gin is crafted in Kenya, making it a fantastic option for those wanting to experience a locally produced spirit that stands on par with international brands. Its smooth and crisp profile comes from a meticulous distillation process, which enhances the botanical aromas and balances the juniper-forward flavours with citrus and other subtle notes.

Tasting Notes

On the nose, Kibao Gin presents a fresh juniper scent with hints of citrus, giving it a clean and inviting aroma.

The palate is smooth and balanced, with a juniper-led taste complemented by subtle hints of coriander and other botanicals. The flavours are clean and crisp, without any overwhelming sweetness or bitterness, making it perfect for mixing.

Kibao Gin offers a medium-length finish that’s refreshing and smooth, leaving light notes of juniper and spice, a perfect end to each sip.


While Kibao Gin has yet to enter international awards, it holds a significant place in Kenya’s gin market, celebrated by local consumers for its affordability without sacrificing quality. Reviews often commend it as a go-to gin for cocktails, mixing well with tonics, lime, or other mixers without overshadowing them. The gin’s popularity in Nairobi and other regions speaks to its consistency and appeal.

Product History and Little-Known Facts

Kibao Gin was first introduced to the Kenyan market as an affordable option that didn’t compromise on quality. Over the years, it has established itself as a trusted brand for consumers seeking a reliable gin for their bar collections. Though many may not realise, Kibao Gin’s recipe has evolved to maintain a contemporary, refreshing taste, suitable for the evolving tastes of gin lovers.

This spirit is one of the many Kenyan gins gaining popularity in the region, promoting local craftsmanship in the spirits industry. Kibao Gin is part of a broader movement in Kenya to elevate local brands, supporting the local economy and culture. The brand also embodies an appreciation for simplicity, delivering a straightforward, enjoyable gin experience without the need for extravagant marketing or premium pricing.

Explore other gin options on Oaks & Corks, and browse our full selection of spirits to discover more locally produced favourites.

Why Kibao Gin?

Kibao Gin 750ml offers an excellent choice for gin lovers in Nairobi and beyond, combining quality, affordability, and versatility. Its clean, balanced flavours make it ideal for gin cocktails, whether you prefer a classic gin and tonic, a gimlet, or a refreshing gin mojito.

Discover Kibao Gin 750ml at Oaks & Corks, and enjoy fast, reliable delivery anywhere in Nairobi, 24/7.

Kibao Gin Price in Kenya

  • 750ml @ KES 800

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Alcohol Content


Country of Origin


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