KO 58 Gin Classic 750ml


KO 58 Classic Gin 750ml is a Kenyan gin crafted from premium botanicals, featuring zesty citrus and herbaceous notes. Distilled to perfection, it brings a crisp, refreshing profile to cocktails or serves brilliantly on its own.

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KO 58 Gin Classic 750ml
KO 58 Gin Classic 750ml

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KO 58 Classic Gin 750ml is a distinctive Kenyan gin that reflects the spirit of Nairobi’s craft distilling scene, combining local expertise with a premium selection of botanicals. With an emphasis on quality and a crisp, citrus-forward flavour, KO 58 Classic Gin is crafted for versatility and depth, making it a prime choice for gin enthusiasts and cocktail lovers alike. Perfect for a quiet night in or a lively celebration, this gin is poised to elevate any experience with its refreshing taste profile.

Tasting Notes

KO 58 Classic Gin opens with bold, fresh citrus on the nose, joined by a smooth, herbaceous base that’s laced with subtle spice. The initial sip reveals zesty citrus with a hint of juniper, followed by a lingering warmth from pepper and other spices. The finish is crisp and clean, making it ideal for sipping neat or blending into a range of cocktails.

  • Nose: Bright citrus with a herbal undertone
  • Palate: Zesty lemon, juniper, and light spice
  • Finish: Crisp, refreshing, and subtly warm

Accolades & Awards

KO 58 Classic Gin has gained a loyal following in Kenya and has received praise from local critics for its balanced profile and mixability. Although still emerging on the global gin scene, KO 58 is considered a benchmark in Kenyan gin craftsmanship, celebrated for its unique blend and purity. The brand has received excellent reviews for quality and taste, with experts noting its ability to stand out in cocktails and premium gin tastings.

Distillation Process & Botanical Selection

Produced in small batches, KO 58 Classic Gin is created using carefully chosen botanicals sourced locally and globally. Juniper berries lend the classic gin aroma, complemented by a vibrant infusion of Kenyan-grown citrus, herbs, and spices, creating a multi-layered palate experience. Each botanical is expertly distilled to ensure purity and a seamless flavour blend that’s both aromatic and fresh. KO 58 uses a traditional copper pot still distillation method, allowing each ingredient to impart its own unique character to the final product.

Product History and Unique Facts

KO 58 Classic Gin is a brand born in Nairobi, Kenya, symbolising the city’s rich culture of innovation and craftsmanship. Created by local distillers passionate about bringing a premium gin experience to Kenya, KO 58 stands as a pioneer in the Kenyan craft spirits industry. The brand name “KO 58” reflects the innovative Kenyan spirit, merging traditional distilling techniques with modern flavour profiles. KO 58’s mission is not only to deliver a quality spirit but also to elevate Kenyan gin on the international stage.

Discover More Kenyan Spirits

Explore more of Kenya’s finest spirits on Oaks & Corks or view similar gin options in our Gin Collection. With our fast delivery service, you can enjoy KO 58 Classic Gin and other premium spirits within 30 minutes anywhere in Nairobi.

KO 58 Gin Classic Price in Kenya

  • 750ml @ KES 1,699

Additional notes

Alcohol Content




Country of Origin

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  1. What does number 58 mean in KO 58 Gin? Kindly revert on +254717721939

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