Obolon Extra Strong 500ml


Obolon Extra Strong 12% is a powerful lager from Ukraine, boasting a high alcohol content and a rich, full-bodied flavour. This beer offers a unique blend of robust maltiness and a subtle hop bitterness, making it a bold choice for beer enthusiasts. Perfect for those seeking a stronger brew, it’s a must-try for lovers of intense lagers.


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Obolon Extra Strong 500ml
Obolon Extra Strong 500ml

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Obolon Extra Strong 12% is a potent brew crafted by Obolon, one of Ukraine’s most renowned breweries. Known for their commitment to quality and tradition, Obolon has been producing exceptional beers since 1980. Obolon Extra Strong stands out in their lineup as a bold, full-bodied lager that appeals to those who appreciate a stronger, more intense beer experience.

Tasting Notes

Obolon Extra Strong 12% offers a rich and complex flavour profile. On the palate, you’ll encounter a deep malt character, with a sweetness that is perfectly balanced by a subtle bitterness from the hops. The high alcohol content gives it a warming, almost spirit-like quality, without overpowering the beer’s natural flavours. The finish is smooth and satisfying, with lingering notes of caramel and toasted bread.

  • Appearance: Deep golden amber with a thick, foamy head.
  • Aroma: A blend of sweet malt, hints of caramel, and a touch of herbal hops.
  • Taste: Rich malt flavours with a subtle hop bitterness, smooth finish.
  • Mouthfeel: Full-bodied, with a warming sensation from the higher alcohol content.


Obolon Extra Strong has garnered attention for its bold flavour and quality craftsmanship. While specific awards for this variant may be limited, Obolon Brewery has been recognized numerous times in international beer competitions for its commitment to quality. The brewery’s dedication to producing top-tier beers is evident in every sip of Obolon Extra Strong.

Product History

Obolon Brewery, named after the historic Obolon district in Kyiv, was founded in 1980 and quickly became one of Ukraine’s largest and most respected breweries. The brewery is known for its use of high-quality ingredients, including water sourced from ancient artesian wells. Obolon Extra Strong 12% was introduced to cater to the market’s demand for a stronger, more intense beer, making it a standout in their range. The beer’s robust nature is a reflection of the Ukrainian spirit—strong, resilient, and full of character.

Perfect Pairings

Obolon Extra Strong 12% pairs wonderfully with hearty dishes such as grilled meats, stews, and aged cheeses. Its rich flavour and high alcohol content can stand up to the boldest of flavours, making it an ideal choice for those who enjoy robust food pairings.

Related Products

If you enjoy Obolon Extra Strong 12%, you might also like Obolon Premium Lager, another excellent brew from the same renowned brewery. For those who prefer something lighter, consider exploring our range of lagers.

Obolon Extra Strong Price in Kenya

  • 500ml @ KES 300

Additional notes

Alcohol Content


Country of Origin




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