Patron Reposado Tequila 750ml


Tequila made from the finest 100% Weber Blue Agave that is carefully distilled in small batches. It is aged and blended to incorporate the fresh clean taste of Patron Silver with a hint of the oak flavor found in Patron Anejo. Patron Reposado is excellent as a sipping tequila or as a key ingredient in a favorite cocktail. It makes an excellent ultra-premium margarita.

750ml - Bottle

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Patron Reposado is a fine tequila crafted in Jalisco, Mexico. Aged for over two months but less than a year in oak barrels, it blends the fresh, clean taste of Patron Silver with the oaky flavor of Patron Anejo. This tequila boasts a light amber tint, a smooth and sweet taste with a hint of citrus, and a balanced finish. Ideal for sipping or cocktails.

Discover the exquisite balance of aged tequila with Patron Reposado Tequila 750ML, available at Oaks & Corks. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this tequila offers a unique sipping experience that tequila aficionados cherish.

Tasting Notes

On the nose, Patron Reposado presents aromas of oak wood, light fresh agave, and a hint of citrus. Tasting it reveals a smooth and sweet essence with notes of vanilla, honey, and a subtle citrus background. The finish is characterized by a light floral and vanilla note with a balanced aftertaste of oak and agave.


Patron Reposado has garnered admiration and accolades in the spirit world. It is highly praised for its superior balance and smooth finish, making it a favorite among tequila connoisseurs. Although specific awards for this variant may vary annually, its consistent quality is reflected in its widespread acclaim.

Crafting Excellence

Patron Reposado is produced in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico, where the finest blue agave plants are harvested. The agave is baked in small brick ovens, fermented, and then distilled in copper pot stills. After distillation, the spirit is aged in a combination of French oak, Hungarian oak, and used American whiskey barrels for at least two months but less than a year, which is slightly longer than the industry standard for Reposado tequilas.

Perfect Pairings

Enjoy Patron Reposado on its own or as a versatile base for premium cocktails. It pairs beautifully with light appetizers like ceviche or guacamole, enhancing the fresh flavors with its subtle oak and vanilla notes. For cocktail enthusiasts, it is the perfect ingredient for a refined Margarita or a smooth Paloma.

Explore More

Interested in exploring other premium spirits? Visit our tequila section for a wide selection of quality options.


Patron Reposado is a testament to the art of fine tequila production. Its smooth, nuanced flavors and sophisticated profile make it a standout choice for any occasion. Order yours today from Oaks & Corks and experience the convenience of fast, reliable delivery right to your doorstep in Nairobi.

Patron Reposado Tequila Price in Kenya

  • 750ml Bottle @ KES 9,299

Additional notes



Alcohol Content


Country of Origin

Flavours & Spices

Citrus, Honey




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