Pimms No. 1 750ml


A fruity, gin-based British liqueur.


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Pimms No. 1 750ml
Pimms No. 1 750ml

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Pimm’s No. 1 is a British gin-based liqueur with bitter herbs and citrus. It pours a rich amber hue as a result of infusing gin with herbal botanicals, caramelized orange, and delicate spices.

Pimms No.1 dates back to the first half of the 19th century when it was concocted as a gin-based digestive by a farmer’s son who ran an oyster bar in London.

This light and fruity liqueur is best served with fruit and mixers like ginger ale, sparkling lemonade, or Sprite.

Pimms No. 1 Price in Kenya

  • 750ml @ KES 2,149

Additional notes

Alcohol Content




Country of Origin


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