Zappa Sambuca Red 750ml


A drink with a spicy licorice flavor and a lingering warmth on the palate. Often consumed as a shooter.


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Zappa Sambuca Red - I'm too cool to hang out with myself. War is hell and success is a lesser percentage of failure. The "luck" factor rules life, the future - a verbalized depiction of a plasmatic blast, deforestation is the world's problem. referees are blind and he who lives with the most Zappa's wins.
Zappa Sambuca Red 750ml

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Zappa Sambuca Red from South Africa is a drink with a spicy liquorice flavor and a lingering warmth on the palate.

Zappa Sambuca is well known for its vibrant colours and the fiery dragon iconography. For decades, people have enjoyed lighting Zappa and its warming aniseed flavor.

Zappa Sambuca Red is consumed properly as a shooter but can also be mixed with lemonade or in cocktails.

Zappa Sambuca Red Price in Kenya

  • 750ml @ KES 2,159

Additional notes

Alcohol Content




Country of Origin


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